Host Organization: Moore Norman Technology Center (South Penn Campus)
Event title: Franklin Covey’s 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team
Event type: Workshop
Event date & time: Tuesday April 30, 2019 830A – 400P
Link to registration: https://enrollment.mntc.edu/short-term-classes/6-critical-practices-leading-team
OVF member discount code if available:
Host Organization: DD Audio
Event title: DD Audio #SpeakerSeries Featuring Allison Candelaria, Owner of Soul Yoga
Event type: Networking, presentation and Q/A about visionary business tactics and innovative approaches to starting or running a small business, personal brand or passion project.
Event date & time: Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 Time: 5:30pm - 6:00pm Networking Happy Hour & 6:00pm - 7:00pm Q/A with Allison Candelaria, Owner of Soul Yoga hosted by Kyle Golding, CEO of The Golding Group
Link to registration: http://bit.ly/DDAudioSpeakerSeries3
OVF member discount code if available: Free event
Host organization: Oklahoma Venture Forum
Event title: Chairman's Award for Economic Impact presented by Insperity
Event type: Awards Luncheon, Keynote speaker Piyush Patel
Event date: Wednesday, May 8th, 11:00 a.m. at Oklahoma History Center
Link to registration: www.ovf.org/Attend-OVF
Host organization: Startup Grind OKC
Event title: Fireside chat with Robin Roberson (CEO & Co-Founder of WeGoLook)
Event type: Informative chat, Q&A, networking, and food
Event date: Tuesday, May 14th @ 6pm
Link to registration: https://startupgrind.com/oklahoma-city/
Host Organization: Moore Norman Technology Center (South Penn Campus)
Event title: Franklin Covey’s The 4 Essential Roles of Leadership
Event type: Workshop
Event date & time: Friday June 21, 2019 830A – 400P
Link to registration: https://enrollment.mntc.edu/short-term-classes/franklin-coveys-4-essential-roles-leadership-workshop
OVF member discount code if available:
Host Organization: Moore Norman Technology Center (South Penn Campus)
Event title: Franklin Covey’s Leading at the Speed of Trust
Event type: Workshop
Event date & time: Friday September 20, 2019 830A – 400P
Link to registration: https://enrollment.mntc.edu/short-term-classes/franklin-coveys-leading-speed-trust-workshop
OVF member discount code if available:
Host Organization: Moore Norman Technology Center (South Penn Campus)
Event title: Franklin Covey’s 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity: One Day Essentials
Event type: Workshop
Event date & time: Friday November 15, 2019 830A – 400P
Link to registration: https://enrollment.mntc.edu/short-term-classes/franklin-coveys-5-choices-extraordinary-productive-one-day-essentials
OVF member discount code if available:
If you have questions about events?
Please use the link included in each event.
Do you have questions about OVF membership?
Please reach out to me, I am always happy to help.
Have an event, class, or workshop to Share?
If you would like to share events, classes or workshops with OVF members please click the Add Me button below and let us know you have something to share. (Please do not share events, classes or workshops with us until you have received the response email with our preferred submission format)
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