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Board of Directors & Committees

OVF Board of Directors

OVF Committees

Do you have interest in participating on an OVF Committee? If so,  please let us know more about yourself  HERE

Executive Committee

Sponsorship Committee

The sponsorship committee will identify and secure important sponsorships to support programming and events. Sponsorship is a crucial part of OVF funding and operations. 

Ambassador Committee

The membership committee’s purpose is to engage with new and potential members, encourage guests to join, and to help reach out to potential new members, or past/lapsed members. The membership committee will assist in the engagement of current members and communicate member benefits. This position is part recruitment and part ambassador. 

Ecosystem Outreach Committee

The ecosystem outreach committee’s purpose is to engage with other entrepreneurial ecosystem builders and promote collaborative opportunities that might benefit OVF members. This committee focuses on building relationships in the startup space and members are actively involved in efforts or partnerships like Global Entrepreneurship Week and the Oklahoma Business Incubator Association.

OVF Award Selection Committee

The Awards Selection Committee evaluates applicants and selects award winners in the Most Promising New Venture and Venture of the Year categories.  This committee requires in-person attendance at two meetings, one in February and one in March.

Board Nominating Committee 

Board Nominating committee members work to evaluate the characteristics and performance of board members in order to select the best candidates for each seat on the board.

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