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December 2024 | Member Highlight

December 02, 2024 1:02 PM | Anonymous

Zehra Mahid is the CEO of GIS, a Coaching and Mentorship Firm dedicated to empowering executives, professionals, high achieving students and political figures as they pursue career advancements, academic endeavors, and opportunities to give back to their communities in significant ways.

Zehra’s Mentorships and Coaching are based on 27 years of experience as a very successful Corporate Attorney for companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 75’s. She’s worked closely with Senior Leadership and understands how much the “who” behind the “why” impacts business growth.

She’s coached high achieving U.S. and international students who’ve been accepted into and entered elite academic institutions, highly selective graduate training programs, top companies, law firms and philanthropies.

She’s worked as an English teacher and Speech & Debate instructor and is widely recognized in her community as a highly gifted educator who has changed lives and directly impacted the future.

Zehra is the mother of 4 daughters and stepmother to her husband David's two adult children. She is a professional committed to building principle-based leaders who will change the world by becoming CEO’s, public figures, political leaders, innovators, creators and philanthropists.

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