Chairman's Perspective
Henry Dumas, Moore Norman Technology Center Workforce & Economic Development Coordinator and OVF Chairman.
I am so happy & excited for our first OVF power lunch – “Face to Face”, which will also include digital coverage to honor our OVF members outside of the Oklahoma City metro area!
Outgoing OVF Chairman Danny Slusarchuk, Che' and the OVF board did a wonderful job – of shifting from Face to Face to digital format when the world turned upside down on us last year amidst the Covid pandemic. One great positive in the quick shift to digital was to allow us to recruit Funders, Founders, and associated Service Providers outside the Oklahoma City Area – A long term goal of OVF. This year, we will operate in a hybrid format where we are face to face as well as digital for our members outside the Oklahoma City Metro Area.
Che’ has done a wonderful job of completing our roster of Main Speakers for the entire year (please check this out on the OVF website, so you know what is coming – OVF.org). In addition, we have made request and have high hopes for Governor Stitt to join us as Guest Speaker for our Annual Awards Banquet at the Oklahoma History Center on May 18th, 2022, from 11 am to 1pm!
Our first main speaker for the Sept 8th meeting is Melissa Houston with 929 Strategies who has been instrumental in crafting and implements the Governor Stitt’s Agenda to strengthen the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Oklahoma. In conjunction with the Legislators, they have already completed amazing work and legislation with more good news in process. If you are a Founder, Funder, or associated Service Provider – You totally do not want to miss this presentation!
My goal as Chairman this year, along with Che’ and the board of directors – is to focus on membership retention, the recruitment of new members statewide, find partners to fully fund our sponsorship & awards celebrations – provide outstanding content though our Speaker Selection, exceptionally great food, focused networking time – and start and stop the meeting on time!
I encourage each of you to help us spread the good word about OVF, encourage all current members to renew and to assist us in the recruitment of excellent new members by inviting them as your guest to one of our power lunches, letting them meet the people and feel the experience! If you have questions about how to ask a guest or how to fund their lunch ticket – reach out to our Executive Director Che’ Loessberg – we are committed to helping you to make this a very easy and pain free process!
And finally, I wish to thank the Executive Committee Members, Board Members and Che’ Loessberg for helping me this year to make the 2021-2022 year a great & healthy one for OVF and all of our stakeholders?
I am honored and humbled to be your chairman this year – with the help of all of you – I will work very hard to make our commitments happen in a Great Way!
Kind regards,